Why is Matariki important in NZ?
Why Matariki is important in NZ. Matariki means the eyes of God which means the stars in the sky. Matariki is a time to spend with your family. Matariki is also the harvest season of kumara or crops, vegetables and fruits. Matariki is made up of about 9 stars that have special names. Matariki is a Maori and NZ celebration.
First of all Matariki is a time to spend with your family celebrating. You can spend time eating, playing and bonding with your family. Matariki is also about remembering our ancestors.
Secondly, Matariki is also the harvest season of kumara or crops, vegetables and fruits. Harvesting season is harvesting crops like vegetables, fruits or others. 
Finally, Matariki is about the 9 stars that have a name on it. The names of the stars are known as Matariki, Tupuārangi, Waipuna-ā-Rangi, Waitī, Tupuānuku, Ururangi, Waitā, Pōhutukawa and Hiwa-i-te-Rangi.  Matariki is the largest star out of the 9 stars. Matariki is also means the eyes of God
This is why Matariki is important in Maori and NZ. Because Matariki is like a New year celebration. 

One thought on “Why is Matariki important in NZ

  1. Hi Dave

    Well done for trying your best to organise your writing using the structure of an explanation. You have included an introduction, 3 main points and then your conclusion. You have also included some key facts about Matariki. Well done.

    Mrs Lagitupu

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