Today I will be explaining what I did on Matariki day at school yesterday. 

Everyone in Team 5 got to pick a choice for a workshop to do for Matariki. I picked cooking for Matariki day because I love cooking at my house too. Ms Tipene was in charge of the cooking workshop. 

Firstly Ms Tipene gave us a star and we had to think of food from that star. My group and I thought of what food we could cook from Matariki. Then we thought of family, and sharing food with family. So we suddenly know that we can cook food whatever we want but we can only cook our food using what is inside the mystery box. 

Next, we picked our mystery box and inside the box was sliced bread, that means we were making a sandwich. We were going to put ham, cheese, tomatoes and chicken in the sandwich. After we already finished the sandwich Mr Jay tasted it and he loved it.

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