Matariki Reflection Cooking

Today I will be explaining what I did on Matariki day at school yesterday. 

Everyone in Team 5 got to pick a choice for a workshop to do for Matariki. I picked cooking for Matariki day because I love cooking at my house too. Ms Tipene was in charge of the cooking workshop. 

Firstly Ms Tipene gave us a star and we had to think of food from that star. My group and I thought of what food we could cook from Matariki. Then we thought of family, and sharing food with family. So we suddenly know that we can cook food whatever we want but we can only cook our food using what is inside the mystery box. 

Next, we picked our mystery box and inside the box was sliced bread, that means we were making a sandwich. We were going to put ham, cheese, tomatoes and chicken in the sandwich. After we already finished the sandwich Mr Jay tasted it and he loved it.

Why is Matariki important in NZ

Why is Matariki important in NZ?
Why Matariki is important in NZ. Matariki means the eyes of God which means the stars in the sky. Matariki is a time to spend with your family. Matariki is also the harvest season of kumara or crops, vegetables and fruits. Matariki is made up of about 9 stars that have special names. Matariki is a Maori and NZ celebration.
First of all Matariki is a time to spend with your family celebrating. You can spend time eating, playing and bonding with your family. Matariki is also about remembering our ancestors.
Secondly, Matariki is also the harvest season of kumara or crops, vegetables and fruits. Harvesting season is harvesting crops like vegetables, fruits or others. 
Finally, Matariki is about the 9 stars that have a name on it. The names of the stars are known as Matariki, Tupuārangi, Waipuna-ā-Rangi, Waitī, Tupuānuku, Ururangi, Waitā, Pōhutukawa and Hiwa-i-te-Rangi.  Matariki is the largest star out of the 9 stars. Matariki is also means the eyes of God
This is why Matariki is important in Maori and NZ. Because Matariki is like a New year celebration. 

Dave Year 8 Leadership camp days

Hello my name is Dave and I am a year 8 student at Pt England school. Last week on Wednesday there was a Year 8 camp. I didn’t go because of the cold weather. This past week I bonded with my family and friends in church. We went to the church, Sylvia park, and Popeyes just to have fun and bond with our friends and family.


On Wednesday night we used two cars and went to our church to serve God with our grace and faith. In the first session we worshipped God with our grace and faith. After that we eat our dinner. After the dinner we had activities and games like bible games and other games. After that we prayed before going home just to be safe at driving.


On the second day we went to Sylvia Park to go shopping  and buy groceries with my family. We used two cars to go to Sylvia Park. My brothers said “let’s buy your new shoes Dave for your upcoming game.” Then we went to Footlocker to find  shoes for me. Once we found shoes for me we went grocery shopping for our snacks at home and needs at home.


On the third day we went to Popeyes in Takanini to taste and try it with our friends. First we met up at Sylvia Park Pak n Save then straight to the Popeyes. When we arrived at Popeyes the line of the cars was so long and we waited like 20 minutes just to get that, And then we ate the Popeyes in our friend’s house. After we eat we went to basketball court near our friend’s house.